Čeněk Pavlík is one of the foremost among today’s Czech solo violinists. He has won first prizes at both the Prague and London International Competitions. He lives in the Czech Republic. During his free time, Cenek Pavlik enjoys participating in archaeological digs, and has become an expert in ceramic tiles of the Middle Ages; he is also fascinated by steam locomotives and castles.   Marek Jerie is an outstanding ‘cellist and chamber musician. He has a professorship at the Lucerne Academy of Music, and is a teacher of great dedication; his students include chamber musicians and soloists at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. Devoted to his family, he also derives much pleasure from exploring new places and meeting a wide variety of people on his travels.   Ivan Klánský isan eminent Czech pianist in addition to which he is a much sought-after teacher. He holds professorships at the Music Academies of Prague and Lucerne, teaching postgraduate soloists and chamber musicians at both institutes. A former junior chess master of Czechoslovakia, he is responsible for the travel arrangements of the Guarneri Trio Prague knowing, as he does, all the air and train schedules by heart!